Tuesday, April 27, 2010


As I was at work today thinking over the past 5 years I was overwhelmed with thankfulness for my life and mostly for Travis Nichols. He is a rock in so many ways! He knows how to make me laugh, he still drives me crazy both in a good and sometimes I really wanna go crazy kind of way! He is patient, kind, loyal, forgiving, and very passionate in whatever he does. He works everyday to make me happy and to grow me as a person. We have been through more hard times together than I can count but he's always been there and never left my side! Thanks babe you are amazing!

Top 10 reasons why I love Travis!

1. His crazy love for animals (I do not share this love)
2. He is a little crazy!
3. He so fits in with my nutty family

4. The amazing places we've seen TOGETHER!

5. The reaction to finding out he was going to be a daddy! PRICELESS
(I think he may have been a little scared)

6. Watching him take pride in getting his daughter's room put together!

7. The way he loves and takes care of those closest to me. He is an amazing uncle... just ask Belle!

8. He is so HOT! Inside and out this man is amazing!

9. He makes my dreams come true even if it is not his first choice! Thanks baby!

10. Really this is #1 but the fact that he is so excited about meeting our daughter!! He has loved me through everything possible this makes my love for him stronger! I have so much respect for this man and I thank God for him daily!

Thanks for letting me brag on my amazing husband! I can't even begin to scratch the surface of how much Travis Nichols has taught me about Love, Life and Grace!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Kitchen!


Halfway there

Done just need 3 doors and my plate rack!

I've have begged for a dishwasher since we moved and thanks to my brother in law... I've got one! Trav & Scott worked so hard to put this beautiful kitchen together and I'm in love! I cooked dinner for the first time in my "new" kitchen tonight and it feels huge! It is a very small kitchen but with the new layout it seems so much bigger than it did before. We have many things to do to finish up like cabinet doors, hanging pictures, and my personal favorite... decorating and organizing :-) Thanks Scottie, You made my whole year! Also my husband is pretty amazing even with the "disputes" over the fun decisions LOL!! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


As I look at my life now and how far I've come from the person I was to the person I am now, I so see how God used so many things in my life to make me thankful! I can't wait to teach our daughter the simple things in life and to help her through the hard times that are just no fun! I desire for her to love the Lord, be happy, help those in need, and to know who she is! I can't wait until she is here!!! Then I'll have to learn on a daily basis to let go and let God! This is so scary for me even though I know first hand His will far surpasses mine! The plans He has for her excites me to no end! Thank you God for our Miracle!!!
This was me next to the elephant (that is just how I feel some days) LOL

Belle and I... I think we passed this sign like 10 times!! HAHA

We found a sign that had her due date on it! (2010)
Super COOL!! I love you baby Girl!
I played hookie from work and took the day to relax! I had a doctor appointment at 8:30 and all is well! She is growing and will be ready to make her grand debut in July!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

7 months down!!

Month 7 is here!!! I can't believe how fast it is going by... I'm trying to enjoy these time of kicks and jabs because I know they'll soon be gone but then she'll be HERE!!! YAY!! Here are a few pictures of her room! Trav has worked so hard to get it ready for her arrival. He is one proud papa... I think it looks super good on him too :-)

Her name is above her crib now but no pictures of that shall be seen until she arrives!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Milestones.... I'm in awe at the work of our creator! I've prayed for these milestones in pregnancy time and time again and now they are here!!
Heartbeat - check
Ultrasound - check
Finding out that she's a girl - check
Feeling her move - check
Decorating her room - check
Travis feeling his daughter move - check
The list goes on and on!!! God is so faithful even when we doubt and stumble! Thank you Lord and thank you so much to all who prayed this day would come!