Friday, October 30, 2009

Week of concerts

FergieU2John Cooper from skillet AKA my next husband :-)Trav's twin... the lead singer of Hawk Nelson~Us pre Skillet~

Random Pictures

being silly
Growing like a weed! He is so cute!

He's here!

Case Austin ChildersWaiting...Allison is in this and on a billboard :-)Anyday at this point and thats them acting like they were some place tropical :-)

Our Vacation to Colorado

~Our first time to fly together~At the ZooDowntown DenverThe Molly Brown HouseTravis getting his Wedding ring tattooThe cabin we stayed inUs after a long hike... Can you say out of shape?MUD FIGHT!!!!!Nesta's art

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Sorry for the no update period things have been super crazy with work. Lots of hours and not much of anything else! Well I know that I told you I would update you on Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University so....... We completed the course and we paid off just under $11,000.00 from October to June and have been able to pay cash for tires, hospital bills, home repairs, etc, etc, etc!!! This may not seem like much of a big deal but it has changed your lives and the way we handle our money. Paying cash for anything seemed so out of reach but we did it!! Now if we can just get use to the envelope system we'd be honor students :-)
God has been so faithful to us and we could not ask for more! Sorry I know I said I would update as we went through the course but I didn't so thanks for understanding!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quick Family Photos

~My personal

The 4th of July weekend and the Blackberry Festival

~4th of July~
We had such a great time and I'm so thankful that I got to see all my family! We spent most of the time at the lake... got sun, swam, and ate!
When your drink is as big as a child you have a problem :-)Minor explosion but they held the pose... that's what I call photogenic!Poppy helping light the fireworks!
So we decided that when you get rained into a bus with 30 people making these faces seems pretty normal!
Awe the joys of insanity!
She's so cute and I love that face!
Poppy walking the kids!
Yummy! Yummy!